Bottle Nosed Dolphins
Bottle-nosed dolphins are large, intelligent, active aquatic mammals with sleek, grey-brown bodies, a large dorsal fin, and a distinctive, rounded snout. They have a life span of 40-50 years and can grow anything from 6.0 to 12.5 foot. Family groups can be found all year-round.
Common Dolphins
These fast-swimming dolphins are highly active often leaping clear of the water, and slapping their flippers on the water surface. Some noises made by this species can be heard from above the surface of the water. They feed on small fish and squid, and are known to use co-operative methods of hunting.
Comfortable and Safe RIBS
The manoeuvrability of our commercial Dolphin Boats allows us to show you safely and securely all that the Algarve has to offer . The size of our vessel’s allows us to offer you a personalised experience that does not compromise on space, safety or comfort . Say goodbye to large crowds!
Orca Killer-Whales
The orca, or “killer whale” is a toothed whale and is the largest member of the dolphin family. It is highly social and composed of matrilineal family groups. Orcas have long, rounded bodies with large dorsal fins at the middle of theirs backs. Their black bodies are marked with white patches on the underside and near the eyes.